The latest edition of Business and Profit Matters is packed to the brim with a wealth of information about tax, cyber security and retaining employees.
Starting with the intricacies of tax, this issue covers some key information about the use of electronic sales suppression tools (ESSTs) and the associated penalties businesses can expect if they are found to be using one. The issue also covers how to get your fuel tax credits right as well as some tips on how to access small business tax concessions if they apply to you. Some frequently asked questions around record keeping and how this pertains to your tax and the ATO are also covered.
In an exciting look into the future, the issue dives into the buzz around ChatGPT and other AI tools that are revolutionising the way we will do business in the future. With this move into the next level digital arena comes some concerns about cyber security which the issue also covers in more detail.
The article rounds out with a focus on staff retention and how you can put your best foot forward as a business owner to ensure you can keep good people on board for the long run.
Click here to read the complete article from Business and Profit Matters.